About Us
Vision Consulting is a full-service consulting firm located in the heart of Washington D.C. and dedicated to helping government and non-profit organizations realize their maximum potential. It’s founder, Celeste Garcia, began the organization in 2004 following years of top-shelf training and experience, including a Harvard education and over 10 years of experience at PricewaterhouseCoopers. She now focuses her expertise on helping organizations improve their strategies, structure, and people.
Who Do We Help?
We can work with any size organization anywhere in the country, but our primary specialty is assisting federal and state agencies and nonprofits in the D.C. Metro area. We also understand the nature of today’s remote teams, however, and are available for travel to satellite branches and out-of-state locations to meet with your “extended family.”

What Do We Do?
As the old adage goes, “To the man with a hammer, everything is a nail.” But the reality is that everything is not a nail and fixing problems requires a skilled worker to bring a whole toolbox and a lot of creativity to each situation. We believe there are several foundational elements and proven frameworks for helping organizations thrive, but we customize our approach to your individual needs and corporate culture. Our approach can be broken down into three main focus areas: strategic planning, organizational development, and personal effectiveness. Explore our site to learn more about what these areas entail.
How Are We Unique?
In today’s world, the term “consultant” is often used loosely to refer to anyone who is able and willing to give wise advise. However many – if not most – of these individuals are not trained consultants with an expertise in corporate and interpersonal dynamics, but rather former managers with training and experience in a separate field. Vision Consulting’s team is entirely composed of trained, seasoned consultants with decades of experience and expertise.

Our Core Values
What we do is only as valuable as how we do it. Our core values color every interaction we have with our clients, which are:
- Integrity
- Respect
- Excellence
At Vision Consulting, we don’t just say we hold these values – we live them. Our values mean that when we say our interviews are confidential, they’re confidential. When we discuss corporate problems, we start from a position of respect for our clients’ knowledge and experience, not a feeling of superiority. And when we are hired to do a job, we always remember that you’re paying for our services, so it’s our responsibility to deliver the highest level of excellence and value we can possibly achieve.
Vision Consulting is a woman-owned business certified in the District of Columbia as a small, disadvantaged, local, resident owned business